About us

Bridges Clinic opened in 2018 and is part of Bedford Hospital.

Men’s Health  Women’s Health  Children’s Health

We offer private healthcare for men, women and children and most medical specialties as well as cosmetic procedures, diagnostic imaging, physiotherapy, endoscopy suite, pathology and pharmacy.

We work hard to protect our reputation for excellence and welcome patients from all health insurers and self-funding patients.

Bridges Clinic – for the local community

Bedford Hospital has been providing private healthcare, alongside our NHS care, for over 26 years and our mission is to provide excellent, affordable private healthcare for the local community. We offer a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment combined with a responsive service so you can be seen quickly and by the consultant of your choice.


Consulting rooms

We have six private consulting rooms, located at Bridge House on the Bedford Hospital South Wing site, offering free parking for private patients, comfortable reception and waiting area, as well as a welcoming team to guide you through your  healthcare journey.

Rapid access to consultants and services

As soon as your private referral comes in, usually from your GP, you will be contacted and booked in for an appointment as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can call our Private Patient Team direct for advice and self-referral where possible.  An appointment with a suitable consultant will usually be offered within a few days and surgical procedures arranged as soon as possible, if required.

Insurance networks and self pay options

We are welcomed and recognised by the major health insurers. If you don’t have health insurance, you can just pay as you go for treatment and services. We have affordable price options for the most common treatments and procedures and will provide you with a quote of all your expected costs prior to any treatment, so there are no surprises.

Part of the NHS

Our Private Patient Service is part of Bedford Hospital which gives the reassurance of the full range of support and emergency response services, including High Dependency Critical Care, if ever these are needed. By choosing to receive your care through Bridges Clinic you are contributing to Bedford Hospital as all profits go back into our Trust for the benefit of the NHS, our patients and teams.

Private patients are welcomed into the Trust on our wards alongside our NHS patients where we are able to utilise our specialist teams and equipment to full capacity and outside of NHS core hours.  In this way NHS waiting times are not affected by us also offering private care and we can provide safe, high quality and responsive care to all of our patients; as well as being able to invest more into our Trust for the benefit of the whole community.  We do not have a private ward but we do have some private side rooms.  We cannot guarantee side rooms, although we do strive to provide these for our patients who have an overnight stay of more than four nights but this cannot always be accommodated.  As we are an NHS hospital, at times of increased demand our bed capacity is allocated according to clinical need and as such we do on occasions have to reschedule procedures at short notice.

Paying for your own treatment

We welcome self-funding patients, you don’t need insurance to have access to private healthcare, and we try to make our prices affordable.

Private healthcare means choice. You can see the consultant you want at a time suited to you and have fast access to a diagnosis, any tests required and the treatment which is right for you.

We have a range of self – pay prices which give you the assurance of knowing the expected costs up-front.